
Investments CMOs Should Prioritize in Their 2024 Budgets

2024 CMOs must be ahead of the economic trends and challenges that will shape their strategic priorities and resource allocation.
Cloudinary's “CMO Budget for Impact 2024” eBook looks at the latest trends affecting the CMO office and offers innovative ways to allocate resources effectively, optimize visual content, and deliver impactful campaigns. These are the insights that will shape your 2024 budgeting and improve your marketing efforts.

Key Takeaways:

  • Strategic resource allocation. Innovative ways to effectively allocate marketing resources and improve ROI.
  • Visual content optimization. Maximize the impact of your marketing budget through the use of optimized visual content.
  • More impactful marketing. Improve ROI by leveraging AI and automation tools to drive impactful marketing initiatives.

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About Cloudinary

With more than 1.5 million users and 10,000 customers worldwide, Cloudinary has quickly become the leading image and video platform for developers and marketers alike to manage images, videos and other media assets and deliver an optimal end user experience. For more information, visit