On-Demand Webinar

GenAI: Fueling Scalable Image and Video Experiences for E-commerce

How Generative AI and Personalization Enhance Omnichannel Ecommerce Experiences

It seems that as if overnight Generative AI has become the tool for driving scalable image and video experiences. For some, the rapid rise of generative AI has left them wondering if GenAI can really automate and improve visual experiences over all commerce touchpoints, or is it all just hype.

Join Cloudinary media experts for a Generative AI deep dive into the many ways this technology is radically improving image and video delivery and management in the e-commerce space.

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • How to automate object replace and remove, color replace, outpainting, restoration, and more.
  • How to apply AI to video to deepen customer engagement with features like AI-generated video previews that increase video watch time by up to 90%.
  • Which brands have slashed image processes from 15 hours to 10 minutes, saved 2K working hours through automation, redirected 90% of cropping and resizing efforts to AI, and saved $1M in developer resources?
  • What the future holds for even more GenAI innovation in visual media.

Cloudinary is trusted by over 1.5 million developers worldwide and 10,000 enterprises to store, transform, optimize and deliver their media assets online. Our team of media experts will be on hand to provide insights and answer your questions. Join us and bring your questions as we unravel the mysteries of the mobile online shopping experience.

Watch the On-Demand Webinar